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Unable to evolve during a "yoga-Looped" turn

On my first turn (going second) I bench Pokémon, knockout one of my opponent's Pokémon with Medicham V's attack 'Yoga Loop', and take another turn. During the subsequent turn, I attempt to evolve Pokémon that were benched last turn, but I am unable to do so. The cards do not have the blue outline, and I am unable to drag them. This has happened three different times, and with different Pokémon; though it is an infrequent bug, and sometimes the Pokémon can be evolved as intended.


  • Enecchii
    Enecchii Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    Can confirm this has happened a few times - do not know why or how this happens as it does not happen every single time but it is extremely frustrating.

  • JP-Xinnam
    JP-Xinnam Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    I can confirm that this bug is true, and happened to me while attempting to evolve a Jolteon V into a Jolteon VMAX after going second, followed by a yoga loop turn