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How do I open my redeemed code booster packs


    THEBIGSTE Member Posts: 5
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    I can't find anything anywhere to open them I redeemed like 50 booster packs but can't find them on the app

  • PachirisuFan1
    PachirisuFan1 Member Posts: 189 ✭✭✭
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    They open automatically when you redeem them in live, or as soon as you open the app, if you redeemed them from the webpage instead. If the app happened to crash during opening the cards should have still landed in your inventory but if you have a lot it can be difficult to figure out what's new.

    THEBIGSTE Member Posts: 5
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    I uploaded the codes to the app came up with multiple booster packs but nothing got opened and have no packs to open I'm kind of angry not gonna lie was like 50 codes

  • nightblitz42
    nightblitz42 Member Posts: 66 ✭✭
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    A few things:

    • I'm pretty sure the app only takes 10 codes at a time.
    • If you've already opened 400 of the same pack, additional codes for that pack are converted directly into currency.
    • After you enter your codes, you have to click "Collect All" to complete the process and open the packs.
    • What does the app do if you try to re-enter the codes and click "Collect All"?
  • ObscureTom
    ObscureTom Member Posts: 1
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    Hi! The same thing just happened to me.

    After I didn't receive my 60/70 packs, I tried with just a singular code and the app promptly told me I had a pack ready to open.

    So I also lost 60/70 code cards…

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    You probably opened the app and then immediately closed trying to save them for later, which you can't do. The packs open immediately; the animation is just for show. You have your cards.

  • Asteratis
    Asteratis Member Posts: 1
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    The same thing happened to me. I redeemed 1 Twilight-Masquerade pack and 4 Surging Sparks ET boxes but only got the Twilight-Masquerade pack