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No soluzione a disinstallare sia su pc che su mobile e quindi? Ma che release e’? Non l’avete provata prima?

attendo soluzioni

Best Answer

  • peqpe
    peqpe Member Posts: 2
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    #2 Answer ✓

    Per sistemare da mobile prova a cambiare il fuso orario in quello canadese, dopo che apri il gioco puoi rimettere quello normale e funziona. Per il pc a quanto ho capito si risolve allo stesso modo


  • peqpe
    peqpe Member Posts: 2
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  • Muadib72
    Muadib72 Member Posts: 3
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    No solution on my mobile and on my Mac book air. Disinstalled and recharge again more times but error 10099 continue.

    Opened a ticket and until now, nothing, no help or solution.

    This new release is a success!...

  • JustusWi
    JustusWi Member Posts: 5
    First Comment Name Dropper

    Check the post titled "if you have 10099" in this forum. There's a workaround.

  • Muadib72
    Muadib72 Member Posts: 3
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    Grazie peppe