the game is a big mess and unplayable on pc/laptop

the game is a big mess.
the card are very blurry.
it gets stuck on many things like tutorials, battle pass or even the lobby, or deck modifyer, and matches. (buying?)
in matches against opponents. (like cards getting stuck in mid air, or you can't select cards if you are playing quick ball cus the card are black and can't be selected)
lets your pc / laptop freeze and makes it do random stuff like showing your taskbar show or dissapear (this is random)
its just unplayable on pc/laptop.
i always have to conceit the match cus the game keeps getting stuck (every time)
not a fun experience overal i give this game currently a big FAT 0!
i see a pattern here with the pokemon company
pokemon anime (was terrrible with all those drop outs and fillers)
pokemon scarlet and violet (not a great story in my oppinion also terrible names for original designs like magneton (Sandy Shocks) are you kidding me, or dusparce (du-dunsparce) -.-"
also those games are full of glitches and bugs.
not a great year for pokemon overal
i really hope they will fix all these issues cus its not fun to be a pokemon fan at this moment
new bug!!!
game screen after forfeit the match turns totally white and you have to restart the game.
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new problem arises
trainer sprites designs have most parts invisible at start battle/end battle (this happend a lot today)
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problem with daily events
if you have done all the daily events on a day (they will say come back soon (0h) (1m).
but there is nothing at all after that 1 min.
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in what case did i say it isn't working?
i said its unplayable
working and being unplayable are 2 different things
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i came across these problems
Evolution incense (does not show the opponent what card he/she is adding to the hand.
ultra ball (could not add any pokemon from deck to the hand).
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Hey Trainer,
Thanks for reaching out and reporting these problems. They can have many reasons to occur and because of that, I recommend for these instances you open a ticket with the support team. Please go to:
To make the process more simple, please send any screenshots or steps you have done prior to these errors when submitting your ticket.
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no its the game itself
for some reason modified decks can't be played properly (the game can't handle it)
but unmodified decks are no problem. (everything worked properly)
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just like the statement above
the game seems to work fine if you don't play modified decks. (i did not encounter a thing, during testing unmodified decks).