No trading?

I, for the life of me, cannot understand why we would be unable to trade cards/packs like in PTCGO. Part of the fun of this game is trading cards (hence the name "TRADING card game") and working towards building a deck you like. Is there any reason at all this feature is not making it over to the new version?
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Jokes aside, you have an honest point, trading is in the name, it should be in the game. But i do understand why they removed it. It's very hard for beginners to get into the TCG let alone obtaining the cards to compete in the TCG. It's a bit rediculous to trade 40 packs for 1 Arceus VStar of which you need 3 to even have an equal chance in the meta.
These credits and gems make cards a lot more accessible and expensive meta decks are now less expensive.
But I agree that they should re-introduce trading in some form in the future, and in a more user friendly and optimized way than they did in PTCGO.