Is Charizard ex bugged?

Today I was playing my fusion Mew deck. I had a Mew V in the active spot with two fusion strike energies attached. The opponent had a Charizard ex with two fire energies. There were no other pokemon in play that would augment damage in any way. Charizard’s attack should do 180 damage plus 30 for each prize card taken. I had only taken 1 prize card, but the attack did 420 damage. I have no idea what made the damage so high so I’m concerned this is a bug.
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Wow I completely missed that it’s a dark type! Thank you!
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Same exact thing just happened to me...I thought I was going crazy! Clearly a bug that needs to be reported by the masses.
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lol I'll see myself out
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Dark type-shifted Charizard from the Obsidian Flame card set makes 100% sense. The new gimmic for Pokemon Scarlet & Violet is Terastalizing.
Terastallized Pokémon can appear with a radically different typing than their usual version into any type. In this case, Dark-type Charizard. That's why it has the dark crown in its head
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Tera is a new mechanic in the Scarlet and Violet video games which allows Pokémon to change their type for the cost of needing to wear a silly hat. This is how it's translated into the TCG. Remember that the video games lead the charge and everything else follows.
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Same issue here. I had a alakazamEX with full hp and only taken 1 príze card. CharizardEX dealed 420 damage.