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Favorite Region

B0SSCAT Member Posts: 10
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What is your favorite region in the series? I grew up playing through the OG Kanto, but I like some of the Ainu cultural references and lore of Sinnoh.


  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,371 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I love most of them (I dislike Paldea) but I think Kalos is designed pretty good. It doesn't feel empty/small like Alola (I love Alola a lot though), and it's shape doesn't make it feel like there's only one way to go like Unova and Galar.

    Plus the amount of towns and villages that have nothing to do with gyms makes it feel more real, aided strongly by how it's not a circle or line like the previous two examples.

    And some might think: What about the first four regions? They match a lot of what I'm talking about, right? I like Hoenn, but the other three kind of feel... a bit empty. Like compare Saffron or Goldenrod, or maybe Jubilife and Lumiose. We all know the city where you can make a video of your character being drowned or buy seriously stylish clothes is better.

    And did I mention the size of Lumiose? It did what Mesagoza WISHED it could with its stupid menu only restaurants that three of repeat for all the restaurants in the city. And Lumiose just pulls it off so well, ON THE 3DS. And I'd just like to mention my anger for how Paldea was designed. There are like, two towns that have nothing to do with gyms. One of them is the ABOMINATION called Zapapico.

    I'd also like to remind you of the beauty of a lot of cities in Kalos. Laverre and its autumn magical vibe, Anistar's crystal and cleanness, Snowbelle's bittersweet music and beautiful snow, Geosenge's stones and simplicity, the familiar yet new feeling of Santalune. It's just an amazingly well-made region.

    Honourable mentions: Hoenn in general (for similar reasons), Unova (I love the cities a lot), and Alola (I cannot explain this one, but the music is amazing and the towns/cities all feel so comfy)

  • Acornyo
    Acornyo Member Posts: 751 ✭✭✭✭
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    You already know I got to root for Unova. Also has perfectly designed Pokemon. If you say Trubbish, Vanillish, or Klink suck, then I don't know what to say to you.

    B0SSCAT Member Posts: 10
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    I agree. I think Alola's Hawaiian theme/setting is great too (plus there's Litten haha)

  • Michael629303
    Michael629303 Member Posts: 1,013 ✭✭✭✭
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    I like Alola for obvious reasons, and it had great pokemon. Unova was great as well. I never played much of that game, but it was surprisingly good. I loved Galar for the graphics and the senary. You could just stare at it for a while. I also loved the Kalos Region. It looked great (it was my starting game).

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,371 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    You know what? I'm just gonna complain about Paldea a little more.

    The towns feel random and like they only exist for the gyms, the music is bland, the big ones are only big to look big and cool. No soul was put into them.

    Remember Castelia? It was a big city (especially for the DS games), and had amazing music that encapsulated the feeling of going from places like Accumula and Nacrene, and it didn't feel tiring to be in. And the random NPCs walking/running with dialogue above them didn't feel like filler, and there were rare ones that didn't instantly move if you stopped them (those ones also had normal A-button dialogue). It had a soul. It was not filler.

    Now think of Levincia. It's a big, modern city, and... what else? Also you can't press A to talk to the NPCs, and even when you do, all they say is generic stuff about what they're standing next to. You can't enter any buildings other than the same exact gym building used in every town with only the NPCs inside differing from the others. The music, though good, doesn't feel like much. It's just "big modern city." And, like every other Pladean city, it suffers from "all shops are menus only."

    Nimbasa would be a better comparison to Levincia, but I decided on the comparisons before thinking and wrote it all before realising that.

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,487 ✭✭✭✭
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    Alola felt the most flushed out. Super training was really convenient. Vs seeker was cool until I figured out I could just google where to fight types of trainers. Hoenn had the ash collecting for flutes. Johto had the rampaging Gyarados. I unfortunately have no Nintendo Switch so I don't know about gen 8 or 9 but I imagine 3d models are dope. All we need is new innovations from game freak and future games have a bright future.