Start fixing the game or bring back TGC Online

I have been playing this game for years. The new version of live came way to quick and is eventhough Online faded out, still not playable for me..
The game gets stuck while drawing cards, and it becomes a game of patience, the first one that gives up looses.
When using items card the deck is often not visible and cards can't be selected or you have to blindly select cards.
It seems the game hasn't been tested (on windows at least) and these MAJOR BUGS aren't adressed and development prioritises on updating avatars and making Kanto Region Pokémon available for selection.
The game is out for quite some time, fix the bugs people have or admit that Live isn't stable and bring back TGC Online until Live works, cause it doesn't for me and many others
I wish they would bring back online my deck was OP.
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They completelt ruined the game for me.
I wanted to give my account to my nephews at a certain point, but there is no point in doing that anymore. Since the game just doesn't work.
It hasn't been properly tested and the person in charge is clearly not playing the game. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew my decision making would be so bad.