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Generation 3 Pokemon

Michael629303 Member Posts: 977 ✭✭✭✭
250 Agrees First Anniversary 25 LOLs 100 Likes

I personally love gen 3 Pokémon. It has a lot of my favorites and there were many cool and cute Pokémon. some of my favorites that came out are (these include evolution line) Septile, swampert, poochyena, breloom, slaking, ninjask, shedinja, delcatty, aggron, wailord, camerupt, flygon, cacturne, lunastone, solrock, crawdaunt, cradily, armaldo, milotic, castform (snow form), tropius, huntail, relicanth, metagross, the regi's, and main legendaries.



  • Alex_Vaporeon
    Alex_Vaporeon Member Posts: 130 ✭✭✭
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    Gen 3 is one of my favorites. I love so many of the Pokemon and think they did a very good job on a lot of the designs.

  • Acornyo
    Acornyo Member Posts: 717 ✭✭✭✭
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    The Hoenn Region has always just been in the background for me. It has a lot off good Pokemon, I'll give it that, but it. kind of seems a little bit weird. Because of that, it's my least favorite gen. After that, you got Gen 4, Gen 1, Gen 6, Gen 9, Gen 8, Gen 7, Gen 2, and Gen 5 being the best one. It's easily got one of the best atagonists though.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,125 ✭✭✭✭
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    I do not personally like gen 3, but there are some decent Pokémon designs in that generation for me, at least. Ludicolo, Manectric, Mawile, Milotic, Tropius, Salamence, the Regis and Deoxys off the top of my head.

    It does sometimes blur together with gen 4, however.

  • Henr1x
    Henr1x Member Posts: 6
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    I honestly love every art style for the Pokemon cards, the only thing I'm iffy with is the abstract paint looking style I have a few of. I'd get the name if I could, but I'm in school and I don't have my cards with me.

  • Michael629303
    Michael629303 Member Posts: 977 ✭✭✭✭
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    @Henr1x when you have time share. I would love to know which it is.

  • Henr1x
    Henr1x Member Posts: 6
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    @Michael629303 I found it, the artist Tomokazu Komiya, his Gengar Card in the MEWen expansion pack and his other cards I'm not a very big fan of.

  • Michael629303
    Michael629303 Member Posts: 977 ✭✭✭✭
    250 Agrees First Anniversary 25 LOLs 100 Likes

    @Henr1x yeah, his cards are a bit different than others. I would definitely say that they are everyone's cup of tea.

  • Dylan2002099
    Dylan2002099 Member Posts: 3
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    My favorite genre 3 pokemon are poochyana Mudkip and Treecko on Pokemon Alpha Saphire for 3ds I choose Treecko nickname him Dylan Jr.

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 806 ✭✭✭
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    Shedinja is peak Pokemon design.

  • Særmark
    Særmark Member Posts: 5
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