Crobat critical bite is bugged not KOing

As title says, have have a couple of games now where the 30 dmg token from critical bit doesnt KO the pokemon. When adding the last lethal dmg it jumps back in dmg reducing the 30 dmg it should inflict en leaving the pokemon alive. Working as intended?
Oknill post a screenshot next time but there is nothing special on the field that has influence this mechanic. No special energies in play, no stadium, no abilities. Just plain put 30 dmg counter on poke on and the dmg jumps back to not being critical. Second time it works.
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What does "jumps back to not being critical" even mean? You're not making sense and you still haven't answered what you were playing against or half of the other questions. Even if it is a bug there's no way the devs could figure out what's going on from this post.