Pokémon X & Y is now 10 years old !

Do you have fond memories of these games?
A part of me wonder what's the deal with the Eternal Flower Floette.
Lumiose city was amazing, I could stay in that place for hours getting style points (also I made a PR Video of my trainer drowning).
Also I bought all the clothes in the game after becoming the highest rank in the Battle Chateau. I'd chosen a female character too so it's even more impressive. That was fun.
Oh, I also really enjoyed the Berry picking minigame. I always get a score over 100 in the unlimited difficulty.
It's a really fun game in general, I wish SV had so many things you could do (can't even break into people's houses now)
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thanks, now I feel old
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Lol so funny to feel that way! I played Pokemon X Y and Alpha Saphire does anyone want to trade Pokemon on 3ds before the online service shut down next year I give my pokemon good nicknames
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@UnovanZorua I know, that sounds exactly like me! I never played XY (I sadly don't have a 3DS), but I played Sword and honestly took every opportunity to break into someone's house. I just feel like it's so funny that you could just walk into this random person's home and they don't even care. And the first thing I do every time I play a Pokemon game is go buy clothes. I find character customization oddly satisfying. :)
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It was my first pokemon game and I loved it. It had a lot of cool stuff in that game. I did the stupidest thing ever though that will make me want to restart the game. When I got pokemon bank I transferred all the pokemon from that game but 6 to Ultra sun. My catch rate is now practically nothing. This has made me think of restarting the game so I can play it through again and better now that I've played other games. The reason I sent them over was because I was trying to have the national pokedex and sort them in numerical order.
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I was interested to see what Pokémon would do when it finally went 3D, but th design didn't actually change that much from the 2D games. It was mostly an aesthetic change in XY.
The games have always had issues in their development, but I think XY is where the cracks really started to show. A studio previously experienced in 2D sprite games (though technically the overworlds became more 3D as the series progressed) suddenly had to produce a 3D game for the first time on a new console. They also had to cram in glasses-free stereoscopic 3D to try to help Nintendo's (at the time) flailing gimmicky handheld.
I think that is why those games seemed to lean so heavily on gen 1 nostalgia. They wanted millennials to buy 3DSs. What better way than "REMEMBER CHARMANDER, SQUIRTLE AND BULBASAUR?! REMEMBER MEWTWO?! THEY'RE BACK... IN 3D FORM!!!"
For the most part I think the games were forgettable. All of the rival characters were underwhelming, I can't name a single gym leader, Team Flare was beyond pathetic and French vanilla Ganondorf, while stylish and showing glimpses of potential, proved to be another nonsensical Pokémon villain with a self-defeating plan.
It wasn't all bad, though. I did like the design of the region. The trainer cosmetics were ironically the best they have ever been on the first try, and only became worse and more restrictive as the games went on. The PSS was great and is exactly what Pokémon online systems should be, so of course Gamefreak ruined it in the very next generation.
In summary I think XY were the best 3D games. I also think they were bad and personally dislike them. I can't believe they are this old. Please no one dare call them retro or I will crumble into dust. I cannot accept the GBA being retro.
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French vanilla Ganondorf is the most priceless name anyone has ever called Lysandre.
Also, my first main series game was Pokémon X, a used copy, but I still had fun. Yes, there was a save file on it before I started the game over.
@Acornyo don’t worry, I actually like Sun more than X.
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Gen 6 is probably my favorite generation. I think some of the designs for the Pokémon in this game are my favorite in the series and I could explore Lumiose City for hours. Time flies, doesn't it?
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@puplover1118 I am going to be honest. I call him that because I cannot remember his name.