Opinion on transfers

So, HOME compatibility has been out for a while so, I wanted to see: What legendary/Mythicals did you want to see in SV that just didn’t become transferable? For me it’s Zygarde, Deoxys, and possibly Zeraora.
All Pokémon should be transferable. From day 1.
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@TheJeffers Yup
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Okay, so I get what you're saying @TheJeffers, but the game is was already glitchy before Home Transfers, and then there were just more glitches after. Not to mention the fact that it would take way too long to code every Pokemon/Pokemon Form for the game, so Home Transfer would arrive about 3 months later than it already did. The Pokemon Company already has enough to clean up right now.
But overall, I think it was weird that Victini, The Swords of Justice, and the Legendary Dogs aren't transferable, even though Victini was given as a Special Reward near the end of Sw/Sh updates, and the latter were straight out added/will be added as Paradox Forms. And also, can somebody please explain why on earth PIDGEY hasn't come back yet? I miss him. :(
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@Acornyo They do not have to make new models, animations and assets for returning Pokémon every time. I think the majority of people would be fine with them being imported from previous games.
Wasn't that the point of creating HD models for all of the Pokémon that existed at the time during gen 7, even though the 3DS couldn't render them?
The largest media franchise on Earth has the resources to make it happen. If they need more people, they can hire more people. If they need more time, they should delay the games.
But people still buy the games in droves and happily buy the DLC when old content is flogged back to us. There is no incentive to do better and people will actually leap to defend these practices.
At this point I have all but given up.