Opinions on shiny lycanroc

Member Posts: 502 ✭✭✭
I think it is really cool because the deep blue color makes it look amazing with the eyes.
I think that that that that whole gen had great shinies.
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Amazing shinies, I wish I had a shiny dusk form.
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@UnovanZorua I had one in SV but I traded it for a shiny regeileiki and I dont know why.
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I traded a LV.100 Arceus for a LV.70 Ho-oh when I was younger.
That decision still pains me whenever I think about it.
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@TURTLEEEEEE You're telling me you got a SHINY REGIELEKI for something you can find in as little as 30 MINUTES today? Lucky.
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I am trying to get some other shiny pokemon for it, and I don't really wan't the regilieki.