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the end of windows 7 and 8 support. rip.

I get it win 7 and 8 are old and have security vulnerabilities but dang you could have at least gave a heads up like. Oh yeah were gonna drop support on these older OS or something. But nope you just kept us in the dark as usual. If they did post that somewhere then I sure heck missed it. well I don't have the means to upgrade my OS and the mobile version of the game sucks and is terrible. maybe if they port the desktop version to the switch I'll play again but for now I guess I'll just have to stick to irl play. 🙏



  • AceTrainerRudy
    AceTrainerRudy Member Posts: 18
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    I meant to not post this one this sorry, because it wasn't as revised as I otherwise would have wanted it to be please ignore this one my bad.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
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    I mean, you had years to get it for free, and even now it's like $20 if you know where to look. If you choose to use unsupported operating systems, that's 100% on you.

  • luniz420
    luniz420 Member Posts: 6
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    I suppose I'm glad I got to learn to play the game in case my nephews ever want to play with me, but I have no desire to upgrade OS unnecessarily simply to play this game, good bye and good luck players.

  • AceTrainerRudy
    AceTrainerRudy Member Posts: 18
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    @TechHog I've tried using win and 8 & 10 a long time ago and I didn't like using them so I just stayed with win 7, purely a personally choice like how some people still only win xp. but the devs could have kept win 7 & 8 support until the end of the year they really didn't need to drop win 7 or 8 support this early. especially win 8 they could kept supporting even longer.

  • AceTrainerRudy
    AceTrainerRudy Member Posts: 18
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    that was a grammatical disaster sorry about.

  • AceTrainerRudy
    AceTrainerRudy Member Posts: 18
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  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
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    You made your choice. They shouldn't be wasting their time testing unsupported operating systems when they're struggling so hard.

    Does it actually stop you from playing/installing, or did the requirements just spook you?

  • AceTrainerRudy
    AceTrainerRudy Member Posts: 18
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    @TechHog win 10 is still a bit cringe although I think they've fixed a lot of issues since its early release but yea I'm still bit spooked from those first few months of its original release it was so bad back then and those constant updates made it unusable. which why I went back to win 7. I'll probably upgrade to 10 at the end of year.

  • Gangrils
    Gangrils Member Posts: 21
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    Tu es! Ich war im Jahr 95 Windows 2020-Benutzer. Denn alles dazwischen war purer Müll. Erst mit Windows 10 habe ich mich nach mehr als 25 Jahren für einen Wechsel entschieden. Es läuft fantastisch! Ist benutzerfreundlich und hat alle Fehler seiner Programme dazwischen. Sie werden erstaunt sein, was es alles kann.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
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    So you can read English but you're replying in German? Okay...