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Rare candy problem

I'm having problems using rare candy with unidentified fossil and archeops? Plz look into it.


  • PachirisuFan1
    PachirisuFan1 Member Posts: 189 ✭✭✭
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Likes 25 Agrees

    I'm guessing this is because the fossils are technically proxy pokemon? in any case there are better ways to play archeops. If you don't like lugia vstar omastar forces you to evolve from archen first but isn't blocked by path.

  • acewing25
    acewing25 Member Posts: 7
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment

    Confirmed this on video with the new dome and helix fossils in the 151 set. I have a video of the issue and will provide on request.

  • acewing25
    acewing25 Member Posts: 7
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment

    There is a relevant ruling from the rules team. Check the compendium, ruling 1140 under rare candy

  • Prof_Max
    Prof_Max Member Posts: 1
    Name Dropper First Comment

    No, PTCG Live is just broken in this case.

    And Kangaskhan ex is a new deck that plays rare candy/Archeops.

    You play Mew ex for free retreat and Arceus VSTAR to get rare candy and Archeops.