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iOS heat and battery loss

On the latest hardware (iPhone 14 Pro), utilizing the Live client results in significant heat and battery loss. Specific actions do not seem to matter, as both building a deck and playing a match caused the issue.

A slower match took a full 10% of battery life on a phone that is new with no other underlying battery issues. Other games within the category do not cause excessive heat or rapid battery drain.


  • formula1man
    formula1man Member Posts: 12
    First Comment 5 Agrees

    I second this.

  • PokeMaster4oo5
    PokeMaster4oo5 Member Posts: 5
    First Comment Photogenic

    It is very hard to play the game without my phone overheating, as well. I can't even open the app for half an hour;when I did, my overall phone's battery life decreased.

  • floatlife247
    floatlife247 Member Posts: 1
    First Comment
    edited January 2023 #4

    47 minutes of app usage used 44% of my battery.

    I can’t seem to upload the screen shots.

    Similar experience here with battery life and heat. iPhone 14 pro iOS 16.1.1.

    a single match will drain about 10% battery.

    last night I played 2 full matches at ~30% and was at 6%.