I wish modify the rule of conceding, please.

Too many times, my opponent concede when I am taking the Prize cards before I took.
I wish to only be able to concede in the player's own turn.
You wanna play a game with me so I can show you why your idea is stupid? Hint: particularly evil players can run down their own time to waste yours and you can't do anything about it... except closing the app.
The problem is that points scale with prizes physically scaling. That's what needs to be changed, not the rules. What are you gonna ask for next, Live to have a custom banlist different from the IRL one? Exclusive cards? Just an entirely different set of rules?
-1 -
While the original request may not be practical to implement, nor there be a perfect solution; something needs to be done about the Concede griefing going on. Its making the game climate seem extremely toxic.
It is beyond frustrating to have your opponent concede in the last turn right before you get the last prize cards and reducing your game pass progression.
Some ideas:
- Process concede operations at the end of a turn, let the player that conceded drop out of the match, but allow the turn to complete for the other player, thus processing the final hit & prize card selection and then, if that did not complete the match, process the concede. you would probably need to lock the conceding player from entering another match before the one they dropped out of ends, but since there is a round timer, this is a finite pause to the conceding player. This would not matter for users that exited the app due to some IRL cause, only the griefer.
- Award the victor full experience and game pass points as though they had taken all prize cards when an opponent concedes.
Of the two options above, the second does the least to dissuade someone from conceding for what ever reason they are, and doesn't provide a mechanism for them to "punish" the winner, so it seems like the best option, though I'm sure there are outlying situations in both that could cause issues.