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When are “non peak hours”?

I would really like to know this as this is the response I got on a ticket I submitted regarding a migration error I keep receiving.


  • Slayercyan
    Slayercyan Member Posts: 8
    First Comment

    Exactly what im getting as well. The admins really dont help us at all. I swear all they do is copy and paste things instead of wording on their own. Its been almost a full day and still having issues

  • mellowtonin
    mellowtonin Member Posts: 6
    First Comment

    Non peak hours means "we don't know why this bad thing is happening, so use it when probably no one else is!"

  • BrunoTP
    BrunoTP Member Posts: 4
    Photogenic First Comment

    I managed to migrate without errors at 3:30 PM (GMT+3) on a wednesday.

  • BrunoTP
    BrunoTP Member Posts: 4
    Photogenic First Comment

    I was able to migrate without errors at 3:30 PM (GMT+3) on a wednesday.