What's your journey with Pokémon?

Sometimes, I see people saying they started with SwSh, or even more shockingly, SV, and as someone who started with the 3DS, it makes me feel very old. (I'd like to apologise to all the DS and GB kids for what that sentence might feel like.)
So I got curious about how others started playing Pokémon (and also, please tell me how long you've been playing and what level of love or you're at)
I had a finished copy of X that I loved, but I never finished a Pokémon game until resetting an also finished copy of Sun (lost sadly, but at least I still have my first copy of X). It's already an obsession and has been for a while, it only took me 6 years to get every game from Gen 4 to 9. I'm only waiting to get a DS or GBA so I can play Gen 3 (or all the GB games). Maybe I'll get all the spin-offs instead? (I don't have much of an idea about what Pokémon typing adventure is, but I need it). Though I'll probably want to get a physical copy of Y first or get a copy of US-UM to shiny hunt legendaries.
I love these games, everything from the well-made world to the characters to the colourful turn based battle system and even the OST. It all feels so fun and beautiful, never gets me bored (until I finish the postgame and master the minigames, resulting in a small dislike for SV), and it's always there. No matter how harsh everything gets, I can always play Pokémon and calm down. These games might be magical, in multiple ways.
I suppose the advantage of starting with SwSh is that whichever game in the series you play next, it is guaranteed to be better. Look at the positives, I suppose.
The fact that not everyone started with Red and Blue(/green) is something I am intellectually aware of and logically seems obvious given that the series primary audience is ostensibly children and 1999 was over 20 years ago, but it just feels wrong.
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I started on Y and loved it. I've been a fan since.
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Y'all already know I'm Pokemon Shield's #1 Fan, seeing as though this was my first mainline game, but my very beginning of Pokemon was watching Pokemon: The Johto Journeys with my siblings as they tried to guess Who's That Pokemon. After that, I got the Deluxe Handbook in 1st Grade, and it spiraled from there. My friends practically got me into it.
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I started my journey watching the classic Pokémon anime, but in games, I started on the DS with the Pokémon SoulSilver and White games, and there were many good memories, in SoulSilver, I always caught a Vulpix(Which is one of my favorite Pokémon of all time) and in White, I always chose Oshawott as my starter in Unova (and Oshawott is also my favorite Pokémon of all time) and my next Pokémon journeys, it will be on Switch