Issues with opponents getting a double turn

I have had multiple issues over many matches were my opponent has been able to take a second turn straight after their last.
Yesterday I had a match were my opponents timer appeared as they were taking there time (no problem with that) but when they ended their turn with 2-3 seconds left this timer then ended my turn with the remaining time that was left. This has happened a few times over the past few days that I've been playing Pokemon TCG Live which as a new player has not been a good initial experience!
It happened again today which is why I'm finally flagging it but this time there was no countdown, when my opponent presumably pressed the "end turn" on my screen it popped up "opponents turn" and then he was able to take another turn playing a trainer card and evolving abd V to a VMax that he had just played prior.
I'm sure this is not the only post as it has happened way to many times in a short period of time.
timers are a pretty basic thing for online games, and they aren't very complex. To count seconds you don't need the system clock. if you're trying to sync to the timezone perhaps like on the redemptions screen, then you might look at the system's local time to display it differently. If you rely on a system clock setting to control how long a turn takes or as suggested by your fix to why a player was able to go twice in a row, then obviously that would be abused.... The time needs to be kept server side, and they can use whatever timing mechanism they want on the server, the client just listens and that's why people can timeout. If you wanted to give accurate information, you could literally just view the decompiled code. This way you don't misinform people to unplug their toasters when they get Yoga Looped