Would anyone like to trade or battle tera raids in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

I have a shiny pokemon, including charizard if anyone wants, I also have lots of rare pokemon to trade if wanted. There are many raids we can do including the new Mewtwo Mightiest Mark!
I meant I have a shiny charizard for anyone.
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A shiny charizard cool. Also you sound cool I would love to play with you. And I don't want to be a creeper but what time zone do you live in, mine is eastern. And if we want to schedule a time to play the we have to make sure we know what time zone.
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I live in Pacific Eastern Time, and i would really like to trade. We can trade 9/8/23 at 3:30 Pm if you want?
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We could make a code for the trade then.
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I also have a shiny greninja if wanted
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You are 3 hours ahead of me so you would be trading at 6:30 pm while I am at 3:30 pm
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Ok cool let's do that
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My vg name is bolt bay also
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@OverWolf3580 let's make the code
5678 9876