When will iPad low resolution be fixed?

I've been trying to play tcg live on my 10.2 inch ipad and the graphics, the text, and pretty much everything seem to be just a blown up version of the iPhone version. Everything is blurry and jagged and it's making it really difficult to enjoy on the iPad. Magic the Gathering and Hearthstone don't appear to have UI issues nearly as severe as TCG live for iPad. Are there any plans internally to allocate resources to creating a dedicated iPad version so we can enjoy this game in high quality on our apple tablets? Wasn't the entire reason for switching from TCG to TCG live so that TPCi could dedicate more internal resources towards development of the app? The low quality is honestly embarrassing coming from one of the world's most profitable gaming companies. There are so many people who would really love to enjoy playing this on the iPad, please think of them.
Hello Trainer,
I recommend you open a ticket with the support team for this instance. To do so, please visit https://support.pokemon.com/ and then click the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link. From there click "Contact Us".