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[Feature request] General issues with ptcgl mobile port

Hi, this post notes some general issues in order of importance with the ptcgl mobile port I've noticed so far.

* PTCGL lacks performance settings for mobile

in its current state ptcgl doesn't run particularly well on mobile, consistently heating my phone up to unsafe levels. In battle it disables background apps because it's so expensive. It also takes a considerable amount of time to view mulligans. There's a lot of nice looking effects in battle/outside of battle but it would be very nice if you could disable them to allow the game to run smoother. It also drains battery which is upsetting

* the mobile control scheme is rather odd

In battle its a swipe focused control scheme, so like if you want to attach an energy you need to drag it onto your pokemon VS just tapping on the energy and then tapping on the pokemon, feels a lot more cumbersome than it probably should be especially if you need to do this a lot. You also need to swipe for stuff like colress which is just weird because there's only one place those cards can go and it's not like that on pc. The mobile deck builder is annoying to use as well, you can't swipe cards in, you need to press on the plus icon, lack of a related cards option also makes this even more frustrating.

* lack of a game log

This is already annoying on pc but it's a lot worse on mobile, there really ought to be an option to view a log of both players actions, on mobile its way more likely you can't devote all your attention to the game and you'll need to get up, coming back and not being sure exactly what happened is frustrating


  • Mangio_m
    Mangio_m Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    Absolutely agree with this: the lack of performance settings is absolutely unbelievable, since the abundance of animations and effects really slow the game down to a point where it's almost maddening.

    I might also point out that the excessive lag is not only annoying, but results in the game being unplayable in some circumstances: if your opponent takes a turn with a lot of game actions and then end their turn, your turn timer starts ticking. The problem with that is that your client may well be stuck slowly showing you all of the animations for your opponent's turn: after they finish to play out, the server will view you as having been inactive for a lot of time and will thus automatically pass the turn without you being able to do anything.