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Does Path to the Peak stop Ting-Lu EX's ability?

I just played a match where the opponent had Path to the Peak out as the stadium, Ting-Lu EX in their active spot, radiant alakazam, squawkabilly EX, hawlucha (SV), and one other pokemon on the bench.

I had Mismagius (ST) as my active, Bibarel, and radiant alakazam on the bench.

His hawlucha put damage on my Bibarel so Ting Lu's ability stopped it, but shouldn't Ting-Lu EX's ability be stopped by Path to the Peak? He also used his own Radiant Alakazam's ability to move damage onto my Radiant Alakazam, which shouldn't happen again, because Path to the Peak should have stopped his Alakazam since it has a rule box. He also used his Squawkabilly EX's ability from his bench, which again, shouldn't it be stopped since it has a rule box?

When he knocked out my Mismagius, the Spiteful Magic didn't happen because I'm assuming his Ting-Lu EX's ability, but shouldn't the Path to the Peak, which was in play from turn 2, stop both his Ting-Lu EX and his own Radiant Alakazam?


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    First of all, ex*

    Second, there's something missing here since Ting-Lu wouldn't even play Path due to the fact that it should work against them. I'm thinking either you're mistaken about the stadium or you missed a card played.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Or that the opponent is using a new, unreported glitch and abusing it for easy wins.

  • kmmonk
    kmmonk Member Posts: 4
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    I agree that it wouldn't have made sense for them to play Path to the Peak, but it was definitely on the board since their 2nd turn. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something where ex cards were not affected by PttP or something like that and I was understanding how Path should have worked in this instance.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    It would help if you could remember the one other Pokémon. If it were two other Pokémon I'd say that they were likely Lunatone OBF and Solrock. Are you certain there weren't two other Pokémon?

  • kmmonk
    kmmonk Member Posts: 4
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    It's possible those were both on his bench, if so, that would make sense with Lunatone's ability. I'm not 100% sure, but it's definitely possible. Thanks for the heads up on those 2, didn't realize Lunatone's ability on the new card.

  • Lunarnors
    Lunarnors Member Posts: 6
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    My first thought when I read the original post was the "1 other pokemon" you mentioned on their bench possibly being 2 actually, solrock and lunatone OBF92. It's the only reason I've seen people trying PttP in decks that might otherwise never play it since the lunatone makes it 1 sided. Other than that I can't think of any cards that would cause this to happen

  • StemLabs11
    StemLabs11 Member Posts: 1
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    Does path to the peak affect Pikachu ex from surging sparks ability ?

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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