Bug report- Manaphy/Choice belt

Manaphy ability didn’t register
Choice belt increased damage for 1 turn, than didn’t (this was on MewtwoVstar vs Vpkmn)
(Nothing was played to hamper items or abilities)
thank you for ur consideration
Manaphy ability didn’t register.
Manaphy didn’t block a Sableye using lost mine to damage a benched Lunatone. Manaphy was on bench, there were no stadiums/pkmn/tools in play that remove abilities.
Choice belt increased damage for 1 turn than stopped.
MewtwoVstar equipped with a choice belt used Psy Purge against an active GiratinaV and increased damage by 30.
than next turn MewtwoVstar equipped with a choice belt used Psy Purge against another GiratinaV but didn’t have its damage increased by 30. There were no tools/cards in play that remove tool effects.
I was playing competitive mode against a lost Giratina deck in togepi rank
These were the two bugs noted.
hope this answers ur questions
thank you
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Abilities that block bench damage don't work on attacks that specifically place damage counters instead - for the purpose of card interactions these are actually two different mechanics. Placing damage counters is considered an effect as opposed to raw damage.
and are you sure you were using a choice belt on the mewtwo, and not a defiance band? That can stop having an effect in a single turn if you don't have a prize disadvantage.
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I think that you guys are pretty retarded for completely ignoring her comment she said she was attacked by a sableye attack and it shouldn't have been able to and she said she was using a choice band not something else how smart do you have to be in order to understand what you are reading? Now leave her comment alone since you obviously aren't smart enough to answer it you fucking retards and leave the bug fixes to someone that can understand what they are reading