Greavard's Origin Theory

(I thought of this after waking up at like 4 am so there may be a lot of loopholes)
Greavard is a Pokemon who has a lot of hidden lore, not only from dex entries, but also its design. The Pokedex states that Greavard "It is said that a dog Pokémon that died in the wild without ever interacting with a human was reborn as this Pokémon." I have a few ideas on who this Pokemon might have been. The only short, stout dog Pokemon with straight hair is Herdier, so it must be from dead Herdiers, since different souls must make different things. But other than that, you can also see Greavard has a giant mouth for seemingly no reason. And no other dog Pokemon have giant mouths, so what gives? I actually do not know, but then again, Yamask is a person, so some design choices are in the Eye Of The Beholder.
But Greavard is also know for killing people. It might seem on accident, but I feel like it's on purpose. Like I said earlier, Greavard is "...a dog Pokémon that died in the wild without ever interacting with a human...", so I think Greavard kills people so that it has something it never had, it's own Trainer. It kills people thinking it's not that bad, just so it can have a best friend. Poor thing.
Please tell me if I'm going insane.
I think that there's probably some truth in this theory. Slightly small dog with long fur evolves into big dog with a lot of fur? Probably a coincidence but it's fun to make theories. As for the defeating humans, it might think it's just playing. After all, ghost Pokémon are famously known for leading people to the afterlife, and Greavard might not realise its abilities. Maybe it just wants to play and doesn't realise its horrifying powers.
Although the no human interaction part is probably false since Rhyme's dog turned into a Greavard (or is hinted to).