Mystery Dungeon ~ You and your Sidekick

In the Mystery Dungeon series we see the player transformed into a Pokémon. If you were put in this predicament which Pokémon would you want to be? Who would you like to have as a sidekick? Let me know!
I'd like to be a Scyther or Chimchar. My sidekick I'd like either Riolu or Duskull.
Keep it Basic stage. No Pseudo/Legends/Mythical!
Best Answer
I would like to be a Goomy but if that doesn’t count then I’d be a Mareep or a Noibat
My partner would be a Skitty or a Phanpy or a Marill
Fennekin and Riolu or Snivy. Fennekin is my favourite Pokémon to choose, and Riolu and Snivy are my favourite to pick as partners.
But also, if there's the Explorers (haven't played the original rescue team, but probably that too) style personality quiz I'd choose to have that.
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I would want to be a wishi-washi and my partner be a wishi-washi. Then we could combine and rule the world. Mwhaaa
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If it wasn't obvious enough, I'd be a Riolu. Despite having to get used to a new body, I think I'd fare pretty well.
In terms of my partner...? I believe they it would be either a Mienfoo, a Vulpix, or maybe Ralts (that'll evolve to a Gallade).