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What's the main thing you play Pokémon for and why?



  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,766 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Absolutely love the card game. I generally like the play style, and for me it's only a plus that the rules are Pokémon based. Also love the huge community around the game, which has really allowed me to make like, half of my friends. I also like the idea of catching Pokémon. I mean, it's every kids' dream, to catch their own team of friends that do whatever they want and also happen to fight for them.

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,278 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    To be honest? Pokémon has some of the most amazing worldbuilding I've ever seen. The feeling of adventure too. And all the characters are usually cool, even if they're not always realistic 4D with understandable motivations. Plus, all the sidequests and minigames (I have every female clothing item in X and maxed out style points. And I'm a Grand Duchess. ).

    And the battling system, despite being simple (when playing casually), is just... perfect. Feels better to make animals fight that to go around defeating a final boss with sticks for some reason. The moves, types, stats, and turn based battling make it so easy for me to enjoy and take a break at any time.

    The regions haven't been the best since Gen 8 (and have felt a bit empty in SV thanks to the open world), but most regions feel so comfy. I don't know how to explain it properly, but have you seen Kalos (yay another XY mention)? The perfect amount of towns, that aren't always Gym Cities but feel natural and not only there because they had to make more (SV did NOT manage to do that).

    And it also feels like the people making the games actually care about making good games, but just don't have enough time because the games make money anyway. The SV characters feel so well-written although the plot only shines at the end thanks to the 3 stories thing (and SwSh may not be the best, but it looked decent).

    ...I don't think "loves" is a big enough word to say how much I love the series incase it's not obvious. Probably not healthy but it's fun!