Thoughts on Legends Arceus pokedex completion?

Usually the first 75% or so is very easy and then you sort of hit a wall with the last quarter. That's how it always goes with any pokedex because the more you progress the more scarce new encounters become. With Arceus though, i feel that the spawn generation is mechanically at odds with the gameplay and this ruins it for me. The gameplay revolves around catching and interacting with wild pokemon, but the underlying mechanics make cycling through different encounters very difficult. The rare encounters end up being exponentially more tedious. It's just not fun.
Scarlet Violet, Legends Arceus's ugly cousin, ironically ends up being superior from a gameplay standpoint due to its short draw distance. Spawning new pokemon is as easy as walking 2 seconds in any direction. It's not pretty, but it makes pokedex completion and shiny hunting drastically easier.
So did anyone else not have fun with the Legends Arceus pokedex, or was it just me?
Many of the Pokédex tasks are very tedious and make it a chore, especially if you want to complete an entry. I understand what it was trying to evoke (field observations to fill out a brand new record of a never before seen creature) but in practice it is the same old Pokémon game loop with a tweak. We are still using Pokéballs, despite the claims of characters from the modern era in other games that they remember the time before them.
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There are two things that enabled me to finish the dex:
1. HOME transfers
2. Getting Arceus just requires catching every Pokémon, not completing the dex entries (which only ended up being an issue for the fossils since HONE transfers can only count as one for catching them)
Actually getting most pokemon was fine though, my main issue was no way to force space-time distortions (I think I had finished the entire dex except for the Pokémon exclusive to them when I started HOME transfers)
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I was actually having fun with the gameplay loop as it was essentially what I already did in all past games but with more elements like resource management and stealth.
The big problem arose when I went out of my way to try and fill out entries of pokemon I hadn't really seen much of. Based on how long it was taking me to spawn a single Munchlax or Pikachu, I realized theres no way Im 100percenting this game. And then it dawned on me that the mechanics just dont lend themselves to this gameplay. It's sad because this game has a lot to like, but ultimately I lost interest.
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I thought it was fun. I'm actually about to finish it. All I have left are the Magnemite and the fossil pokemon and that's because I need to wait for a disturbance to happen and it takes a minute. Now getting all the tasks for the pokemon completed or getting them to a level 10 research level is more difficult. I was never planning to do all the tasks and getting all Pokémon to level 10 would give you a chance to use a pokemon that you would never normally use.