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As a beginner with limited ex cards, is it ok to run a deck with 1 ex that is supposed to have 2-3?

mochpandamonsta Member Posts: 1

I'm using a modified version of a chien-pao ex deck, and most decks online call for multiple. This also happened to me in a game where it should have been an easy win, but my chien pao was KO'd and it was a struggle to fight on from there.


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Using that deck (most common Chien Pao decks) with only 1 Chien Pao ex when it was build with the idea of having 3 Chien Pao ex it's not good, because the Pokémon, supporter cards and amount of energies in a deck must have synergy... by removing 2 main pieces of the deck you break the synergy making the deck less consistent, usually it's ok to chance some cards that are not essencial to make the deck still work, but the change you are making it's very significant.

    With only 1 in play or even worst if it's prized or KO'd you will struggle to keep the deck working properly and fast enough, your chances to win reduce significantly.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    edited July 2023 #3

    No. You won't start it often enough and won't have enough attackers. Just use a different deck until you can get the premium pass.

  • xZacharyx7
    xZacharyx7 Member Posts: 1
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    while it isnt recommended there is no reason not to just play it in the deck until you can get more just play items and supporters that help you get the one ex you have more consistently its only bad if you use one because it can be prized and harder to get but play the game how you like thats how you get better at deck building 😊

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Note: I was slightly mistaken. Just get to Tier 4 of the free pass and you'll have enough copies.

  • ANUMON13
    ANUMON13 Member Posts: 4
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    I mean, it's allowed

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,815 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    It is technically allowed, but it is far from optimal. If you're playing IRL, you should just go to a local league or something and trade/buy more copies. If you're playing online, then the problem can still be solved at a local league. Just go and ask anyone opening packs if you can have the code cards, then enter the code cards and even if you don't get the exact cards you need, if you open enough online packs you'll just end up with the credits you need to buy more copies of your attacker. You might have to open a lot of packs, but a bunch of collectors at the league will have like, hundreds of codes that they don't use.