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Is there a way to report players with poor gaming etiquette?


I faced a player on ptcgl who deliberately drags on for 10 minutes, when he/she had all but lost the game. Is there a way I can report him/her?

By the way, that player's ID is on the attached picture.



  • Asacado
    Asacado Member Posts: 11
    10 Comments Photogenic

    I'd take it as a learning experience that they haven't been beaten until you get all 6 prize cards.

  • Brandonusofa
    Brandonusofa Member Posts: 77 ✭✭
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    If your goal is to win then attempting to make your opponent quit is a strategy.

  • tiny_gyarados88
    tiny_gyarados88 Member Posts: 1
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    This is a garbage way to win its not a legitimate win condition. Frustrating your opponent is not a strategy when played like that it's called GRIEFING and should be punished by escalating degrees everytime. Have any of you ever seen them do it on the ptcg championship? No they just concede because they can't win. It's called griefing and should be punishable by amount of time banned from game. It's poor sportsmanship. That's why there is time limits in the first place.

  • monopotato
    monopotato Member Posts: 5
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    #Asacado I guess one way to lose a game is to run oneself out of time... the offending player #nyaoha33 ended up using up all his time on the clock to "give away" the game

  • monopotato
    monopotato Member Posts: 5
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    #Brandonusofa that strategy to frustrate backfired completely, #nyaoha33 lost the game. Besides, it wasted him/her 10 additional minutes to lose. Tbh it's not really a strategy, it's just poor gamemanship.

  • Asacado
    Asacado Member Posts: 11
    10 Comments Photogenic

    Another thing to consider is that stalling out an opponent to deck them out has worked in my favor plenty of times with restoration or walling mons. It's slow, but completely doable. Many decks revolve around milling to get the 4-5 card engines they need to win, IE Chien-Pao+Bax+Irida. If you can beat their mons, stall and deck out does still win a game.

  • Amyplify
    Amyplify Member Posts: 2
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    I would say it might not have been intentional. My instance of PTCGL glitches once after I clicked an attack and just stalled until I conceded. A kid might not be willing to concede if there's a chance the glitch will end before 10 mins are up.

  • HelsenoDM
    HelsenoDM Member Posts: 2
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    You have no idea what the person has left. Neither does he. I literally just got out of a match that we went over 30 mins I had 4 cards left he had 6. He was slow playing me had plenty of chances to win early on but thought I guess he thought it was an easy win and just loaded up his bench. He was playing the dark zard that multiplies the damage the more prizes I take. But he played around and found out. I had a heat morter with 6 basic deals dmg plus (180 to benched) I put it out switched to his shiny zard with no energy wiped his other benched mon he had nothing left. Tldr you might think you won but games not over till the last prize is pulled.

  • HelsenoDM
    HelsenoDM Member Posts: 2
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    You can't actually stall for 10 mins if he's playing the game past the point mono thinks he should and mono can't beat him then that's on mono not the other player