I found out that 151 Alakazam ex can attack on the bench for 2 psychic energies doing 120 damage. What are your thoughts on this?
I think it will be used like crazy for this.
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Morpeko V hit for 150 and then switched to the bench, which is basically the same effect. Despite being a basic card with a easier to reach attack cost it saw practically no play, so I doubt Alakazam will do anything unless we see some insane support for it in the future. Just run Gardevoir ex if you wanna build a Psychic deck
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I'm sure that players will experiment with using it in a stun strategy alongisde Glimmora ex, Klefki, Mimikyu, and PGO Snorlax. (Path to the Peak and Hard Charm as well?) Even if you force it out with Boss's Orders, its 320 HP and 1 Retreat Cost mean that unless you're using a Dark-Type you won't be able to KO it. The problem is that there aren't any good ways to interact with it... I hope it's not strong because it seems like a very boring deck to play with or against (especially in the mirror match), but I do fear that it will be widely popular on release and decent at minimum. If it does become popular, then I might consider using an Arceus Vstar deck with Umbreon V/Vstar as a counter (online, that is... too expensive to play that deck in paper). Or maybe I'll simply take a break from the game.
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Yeah just keep something like PGO Snorlax or Klefki or Mimikyu in the active. It is a stage two and it only does 120 damage though, so it's not looking great.
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But still on the bench