A lot of feedback

- When a card is being played or drawn from the prizes, it is very blurry.
- In the screen after the game, during the victory pose, your hand and other elements (such as damage counters) are visible on the screen.
- The cards are a bit small while on the field.
- Attacks and Retreat are a bit small so it is easy to misclick them. I did not have this issue on PTCGO. Maybe not as small, but we need a bit of spacing there.
- Cards in deck builder are not always showing. Instead, the back of the card is loaded.
- There are visual bugs when it comes to the playing field. If a card is played that triggers an effect on the field, that effect is sometimes visually not 100% (eg. black fields instead of whatever they're supposed to be and not black the way they usually are but completely black).
- When I click on Battle Pass on the Home Screen, I see the attached error and have to restart the client. It is impossible to get to the Battle Pass screen in any way without restarting.
- There are still instances where the old view of the benched Pokemon are showing (only the picture, not the whole card). Clicking on the card and then clicking X to stop viewing the card fixes this.
- Opponent's Pokemon are turned upside down. That makes the active Pokemon look like it is confused. It is wrong and not in line with how the game is being played in real life.
- Unlike in PTGO, the indicator on who's turn it is is not visible until the match begins. This is a big problem because I often miss the message or forget who goes first, and there is no way to check it before the game actually starts, but I have to make decisions regarding the game before the game starts, like which Pokemon to bench.
- Credits are really hard to come by, making crafting custom decks difficult.
- It is difficult to go through different versions of the card in the Deck Builder, especially if you want different versions of each card in your deck.
- No game log which makes understanding what happens difficult, given how fast the animations are. The speed of the animations is good, we just need the log.
- BIG ERROR: The game is not working on Chromebooks at all. Since it's being downloaded from Google Store, it is downloading the mobile version. It might be a problem in itself, given that I connect my Chromebook to a docking station and play on a big screen. PTCGO has no issues running on a Chromebook. The actual errors that happen with Live when opening on a Chromebook are: 14.1 Most of the screen is cut off. 14.2 There are numbers when the game is loading, like 36 steps. The game always gets stuck on the last step, eg. 35/36 and never actually loads. When downloading the game on Windows, it is 300+ MB big. When downloading on a Chromebook, it is only 100-ish.
- When a match is found in ranked mode, the "greeting" screen goes by two fast. It's hard to catch info about the opponent, such as their Rank Points or Catch Phrase.
- Top right-hand corner of the screen. Instead of three dots, there should be a clear icon of some sort indicating that there are options there.
- When collecting items, the Collect All button shouldn't be in the top right-hand corner. Too far away. Move it somewhere like the bottom middle.
- When winning the last prizes, there is no reason for us to manually choose them and click Done. Just do it automatically.
- While playing the game, in a match, there is just too much clicking and dragging involved, it should be optimized. Example is Cresselia's first attack: Search your deck for a P Energy card and attach it to 1 of your Pokemon. If you go second and it's your first turn, instead search for up to 3 P Energy cards and attach them to 1 of your Pokemon. Then, shuffle your deck. In case of having to attach 3 energies, you have to attach each energy manually, even though after attaching the first one you cannot choose a different pokemon or less energies. The remaining two should be attached automatically or there should be no attaching in the first place - let me click the Pokemon instead. This is just an example, it is simply far from optimal.
- Switching between active decks is not intuitive enough. On my first day, I couldn't delete a deck because it was active. It was, but for expanded format, which I did not understand, and I didn't know how to change it.
- It is sometimes not clear what the red arrow that points down mean. Eg you play Comfey, use its effect. You then play multiple Comfeys in the same fassion and you have a Comfey on your bench that still hasn't used its effect this turn. But there is a card that is negatively impacting all your (benched) Pokemon. It would not be
- The announcement message that loads immediately after the game loads, saying that a certain pokemon is banned, is written in the language of my computer/system and not in the language of the game.
- You can play Scoop-Up net when you only have one Pokemon in play, making you lose the game.
- We could use a Hello/Greetings Avatar emotion during the game.
- I can't click on the Lost Zone to check how many cards I have in while I have to choose a new Active Pokemon, e.g. Escape Rope or Scoop-up Net.
- Attaching damage counters with Lost mine (12 of them) could be done more optimally than having only one option of 40 which gets removed as soon as you use it, leaving you with 10 20 30, facing the same problem.We lack theme decks and events. Please do not underestimate the importance of the events, regardless of Theme Deck events or normal ones. Participating in a small quick tournament of 8 players online is extremely fun and satisfying
27. Choosing Prizes should be removed all together. It is an unnecessary loss of time and clicks, not only when you win the game but in general, since all cards are hidden and drawing them is random. It is as meaningless as having to manually draw a card from your deck at the beginning of your turn. Prizes are a side-deck, random 6 cards.
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There are cards that let you switch cards you know with cards in your Prize Cards. You then know which number Prize Card is a certain card and want to be able to choose it in the future.
See: Arc Phone and Peonia
In Expanded there is also Town Map that flips your Prize Cards face up. You will want to be able to choose which one goes to hand.
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Flagrama, you are totally right, I missed those.
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23 isn't a bug or issue. That's how it's supposed to work. PTCGO is the same, except that there's a warning.
And 27 is just wrong. There are some cards instances where you know the order of your prizes, so picking them can't be automatic except for the end of the game.