Do you think they should remake Pokémon battle revolution?

Pokémon battle revolution was a really fun game from the OG wii console and I have remembered it all this time. from the time when it was released, we were in the Sinnoh region and I thougght they were gonna remake it when they revealed Pokémon legends Arceus and Pokémon BDSP, But it didn't happen. It was an amazing classic game and I still think it deserves a remake. But what do you think? Should this classic game be remade for the Nintendo switch?
I think they should work on a PBR Deluxe as an excuse to create a game where the entirety of the game's content is just new, futureproof, high fidelity models and animations for all 1000 pokemon. Then they can reuse those models and animations for the next decadec of games and allow all pokemon to be included in every game.
Gamefreak/Nintendo, I am open to considering job offers if you want more great ideas.
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Incorporate it into Pokémon Home and make that the platform where you can have competitive battles with all Pokémon. If they insist on not allowing a complete Pokédex in the main series game, this might be a viable alternative.
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Imagine if there was a "miniature" version of it for mobile as well, battle on the go no matter what device you're on
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@ProfessorAlopex Not likely in my eyes, but it would be pretty awesome! Would definitely beat a lot of the mobile gaming options for Pokemon that we currently have.
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I don't think any of it is going to happen, sadly. I think they would rather have you buy the latest game if you want to compete online.
I think they would see an alternative as competing with themselves.
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@TheJeffers I mean, Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum had online battling, right?
And I don't think they'd be competing with themselves necessarily- you have to transfer Pokemon you've trained up in DPP in order to use them in Battle Revolution. In other words, owning Battle Revolution could still give you an incentive to buy the mainline games.
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@D-ManBlue True, but arguably there are so many different games now in which you could train up the Pokémon you needed, coupled with the Home app based trading features and connectivity with Pokémon Go for new Pokémon, that it is conceivable that someone could avoid playing the new game to build a team for online play. The landscape is very different from the DPP era.
Plus if the current game is the only place you can play online, then everyone who wants to play online is going to have to buy it. It would undeniably cannibalise sales.
That is not to say that generating good will through useful, desirable features in your app and not restricting all players who do not buy your latest product is worthless.
But to most business managers it is. Especially if they believe their business too big to fail.