What new big spinoff game y'all think we getting on the 8th?

I want another entry in the snap series but that probably will never happen again so what else do you guys want?
I think that there will be no new big spin-off games. Don’t get your hopes up.
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Next legends game
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im not expecting any new game announcements I personally think all it going to be is update news on current games and more previews of that dlc and more info on that detective pika game and maybe a update on the anime
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Missingno horror visual novel.
My serious guess, depending on how you define 'spinoff', would be a new Legends style game, either in Johto or Unova, or an Unova game, either a BDSP-style BW remake or BW3.
Honestly I am not expecting much Beyond DLC trailers and information, a reminder that Pokémon Sleep is out and a few updates for the mobile games.
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@TheJeffers Agreed, the developers probably have their hands full right now with the DLC, and with all of the spinoffs on the way and apps already out, we can probably expect more information on those and not much else.
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Though I have to ask- have we gotten a Pokemon Presents in the past where all they did was present updates and not announce or reveal anything?
Also, just what is there to reveal with the DLC? Did they reveal much about the Sw/Sh Expansion Pass leading up to its release?
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I really expect a new Pokémon Mystery Dungeon or a PokéPark 3
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probably wont be a new pokemon conquest or ranger but it would be funny if they did i doubt theyll do anything though they just showed detective pikachu 2
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I don't recall much about it as I was quite disillusioned with Pokémon during SwSh and didn't watch the Pokémon Presents. I remember them showing overview trailers throughout that time on Nintendo Directs though. They gave a general overview of everything announced and slipped in a few new details and previously unseen features.
I am expecting something similar here.
And it is always important to remember that the games have ironically become one of the smaller parts of the Pokémon franchise, despite ostensibly being the core everything else is centered around. There are a whole range of announcements they could make regarding merchandise, mobile games, the TCG, events and real world attractions, without needing to touch on the main series games, although I suspect they will always be a part of a Pokémon presents.