Chien Pao ex is a bit too strong

Using a combination of Chien Pao ex and baxcalibur (literally from the chien pao ex battle deck), players can make the match unplayable from their second turn. The player can choose to draw up to two energy cards per turn and can attach as many energy cards as they want during the same turn. Chien Pao ex's attack allows the player to discard energy from it to do sixty damage for each energy discarded. I find it literally impossible to play against as I don't know of any cards to counter either cards' abilities except for path to the peak, which if you're not incredibly lucky, you won't be able to use. does anyone have any tips to play against somebody with these cards? I feel like they should be banned from them being too strong and easy to use (with a little luck of course).
It really depends on what kind of deck you’re running, but i find that if you’re able to catch up with them after turn 1 you can usually turn the game around. Try running Mimikyu to stall out attacks from V and EX Pokémon, squakabilly to catch up if you have a bad opening hand, and manaphy to protect your bench from radiant greninja. You’ll want to target the baxcaliber line as early as possible with bosses orders or radiant greninja, as soon as that engine is gone the deck can be pretty dead if it’s not running Palkia V star. Sometimes the opponent just gets lucky and there’s nothing you can do, but there are definitely ways to play around chien pao especially since it isn’t the bulkiest Pokémon. Hope this is useful/helpful!
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Iono path and judge work for me.
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I have to agree with the OP on this, I really hate playing against this combo and it is aggravatingly popular due to the easy win. It seems broken to me in all honesty because if you aren't running a deck that can come out swinging, like an electric deck with electric generators off the jump, it's no fun to play against. I don't mind loosing to someone that has a different strategy or something I've never seen before but it gets old loosing in 3 turns to the same mechanism repratedly. It's just boring.
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Eliminating the Baxcalibur line with Boss's Orders or a spread attacker like your own Radiant Greninja is the best way to cut those out of the equation. More dedicated builds like Aerodactyl VSTAR will shut down your opponent completely and leave your abilities alone. Also, since Chien Pao is basic, shutting off its ability early with Klefki can help slow their roll
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I'm glad this has been brought up, as it has made the game boring, and I foresee myself just not playing anymore. I was counting, and I was at 6/7 matches last night against a Chien-Pao. The only one that wasn't just timed out and didn't play. It's the complete opposite of what made Pokémon popular. Even way back with only 150 in the video games even though each route had a theme, the trainers you ran in to were somewhat exiting, as in what Pokémon are they going to use? If every trainer used the same team, Pokémon would have crashed and burned.
There are a bunch of cards that I would love to see played. Even in casual standard, still Chien-Pao pops up. We need new gameplay modes, because even casual is just same old copycat decks. This game doesn't reward ingenuity in any way, so 90 percent of my opponents are just ME TOO! Copycat decks.