Draw cards bug

Hello. I keep getting a bug that makes it impossible to draw cards via Nest Ball, Arceus and Arceus VStar, Lady and other similar cards. I always turn the game on to play, but this bug is so annoying that I always turn the game off. And I'm really sick of this. I would like to play without having this bug. I don't know if this is happening to more players, but I would like to build a deck that works like it should. For example, every time I use Nest Ball, it kind of freezes. More specifically I can't see the cards I can draw. Could you please fix this bug, because this has been happening to me for a few months now and I always hope that the next update will fix it. Thank you.
Having the same issue here. Happened with Battle VIP Pass on turn 1 at least , so I didnt waste time playing a whole game before the crash. I sent a ticket but they just responded "We are aware and working on it."
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I wonder if they'll ever fix it. :(
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I had a similar problem with using Regidrago VStar's attack, could never see the attack images. I think it was more related to my bad internet connection trying to load images.
Wish they had the option like in tcgo to just download all the card images at one time (when i have access to good internet) so then i don't have to have my internet connection cause so many issues.