Shiny odds should increase if parents are shiny

Right? Wouldn't it make sense if being shiny was hereditary and there was a chance to pass it down?
This new mechanic could help balance out the wide gap in odds for shiny hunting methods as the masuda method is just not keeping up.
That would make shiny hunting too easy. Shiny Pokemon are suppose to be really special and making it hereditary would just get rid of them being special and would make the day care the only viable method.
In essence, people would stop catching Pokemon, which is what the game is all about.
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It might make logical sense for shininess to be hereditary, but every time they are made easier to find, they become less enticing, less interesting, less desirable.
Eventually shinies would just become another mundane form.
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That's not what I said though. I said there should be an increased chance so the odds are more in line with the odds of hunting in the wild. In most cases, the difference between the two methods (breeding and catching) is a matter of minutes vs days.
You can pop a sandwich and find a shiny in as little as 30 minutes consistently. At worst a couple hours for something like a Roaring Moon. This is a perfectly reasonable time investment for the reward.
Breeding on the other hand is much slower. It can take anywhere from a couple hundred eggs to over a thousand. In terms of time, thats a range of a few hours to dozens. That takes days unless youre playing nonstop, which is hard to do because collecting eggs and hatching them is so boring.
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Adding methods to make shiny hunting easier are cumulative. Each new method increasing odds makes shinies that little bit less rare. Sure, you might individually prefer the colour palette of a shiny over its regular colour scheme, but the main thing that makes them desirable is their rarity.
Things like the shiny charm make them more common. The Masuda method makes them more common. Pokémon spawning en masse in the wild in modern open world games rather than one at a time makes it easier to roll the die on spawning a shiny multiple times very quickly, making them more common. Mass outbreaks, Pokémon Go community days, shiny giveaways... They all stand to make shinies less rare, more a mundane part of Pokémon.
I myself have gone from not knowing shiny Pokémon even existed in the first three generations having never seen one to having caught multiple shinies without even trying in modern games.
So in principle it might sound great to make shinies easier to get, and the proposed change might sound intuitive, but it will in the end diminish them.
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Didn't they do that in Gen 2 due to some stuff that happened behind the scenes when you bred two Pokemon together?
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For people who think shinies should be "special," you also need to think about the other side of the coin. You have to balance effort and reward. After all, shiny hunting is just mindlessly pressing A and running in circles. How many hours people have to endure that to get a shiny has to be considered.
If the only reason something is special is because it is so tedious and boring to obtain it becomes inaccessible to the vast majority of the playerbase, that's not a good thing.
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Those are issues with Pokémon's existing game loop. Catching a Pokémon with specific stats/ID is indeed tedious.
However, having to endure such tedium to guarantee a shiny is what makes them special.
Would shinies feel special if 1/100 were shiny? How about 1/4? What about 1/2?
If it reaches the point that anyone can find a shiny of any species reliably, they will stop being special. Sure, you might like the shiny's colour scheme over the original, and it would be nice to be able to reliably have that choice in personalising your team, but I do not think that is why most shiny hunters do it.
They are special because they are exclusive. If everyone can have one, by definition they are not exclusive. Not special.
Every new mechanic that makes obtaining shinies easier brings us closer to that point. Some say we are already there.
I don't even particularly like shinies and have never gone shiny hunting, and I can see this fact clearly.
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I think so yeah since iirc in gen 2 shininess was determined by having a specific IV spread
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Again, you have to think about how the game is played. If the only reason something is special is because the gameplay is too boring for most people to bother going out of their way to go through it, that's bad design.
The fact you've never shiny hunted makes sense. So let's walk through the shiny hunting experience in the pre-switch era. You boot up your game, you hatch a couple hundred eggs for a few hours, you probably don't get it, you end your play session and go about your day. Repeat for several days. There's no sense of progression between play sessions. Every egg has the exact same chance as the last and at the end of every day you're not any closer to your goal. Why should a player not just pick up another game where it actually feels like there's progress at the end of a play session? Why endure a mindless loop of boring gameplay for days or weeks at a time? This is why most players, like yourself, never attempted a shiny hunt.
It's easy to say something should be hard to obtain when you've never tried to obtain it. But you have to understand the time requirements at play, the concept of time vs reward. To put it in perspective, the only people who could build a team of shinies before the switch-era were those who were willing to sink hundreds of hours. You had to play the game like a full time job. And forget about a living shiny dex, that wasnt even possible.