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Goodra Buff

Goodra needs a buff, Its already good but I want it to be the best pokemon in the game cause I love goodra. Goodra deserves a buff because its epic and needs one, I would appreciate if unite would give goodra the buff it deserves. If I were to buff goodra I would make it more tanky and make it heal more, I would also make it do more damage so that it can be better. I love goodra so much I would give goodra a hug if I could.


  • Ryan373659
    Ryan373659 Member Posts: 19

    Ok man I love goodra too but that would make it op. And rage would go about. But increasing his stun duration would be good.

  • Kieraste
    Kieraste Member Posts: 76 ✭✭
    5 Agrees Photogenic 5 LOLs Name Dropper

    goodra already got a buff (or is getting a buff very soon), don't worry about it.

    on other hands while goodra is a very cool pokemon who can adapt to a lot of circumstances they are slow, and that is for a reason (snails are slow, goodra is based off of snails [hisuian form] and slime [normal form]). this also means it gets a metric ----load of healing and regen (or slow depending on what comp you're running)

    pokemon are meant to be strong in some areas and weak in others. it's the reason why Blissey, Comfey, Clefable, and Hoopa are so underused due to needing team coordination to actually do anything, but can still shine alone. Not as much as Eldegod can do alone, but still.

  • Plasma7373
    Plasma7373 Member Posts: 7
    Photogenic First Comment

    I know that goodra already got a buff i want it to have another cause i love goodra