Does Anyone Else Find this Kind of Hilarious?

So, the Red Chain in Sinnoh mythology is supposed to be this mystical artifact that allows someone to control Dialga or Palkia...but in each of its in-game appearances it never works as intended:
- Cyrus uses it in Diamond, Pearl, and (presumably, I never played) Platinum, but soon loses control of the Legendary.
- The player themselves uses it in Legends: Arceus, but it breaks.
It does work in D/P, the lake guardians just help the legendary to break out of it. (In Platinum he makes two and controls both, which is too much for the lake guardians, which is why Giratina intervenes.)
Not sure about why it breaks in Legends but since the pieces were used to craft the Origin Ball it was probably intentional that time
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use scissors between the gems
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@Elberta Isn't the Red Chain used on regular Dialga/Palkia? The other one appears later in its Origin Forme, but the Origin Ball is used on that one, and the Origin Ball is made partially of the broken Red Chain.
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@puplover1118, you see, Origin Ball also contains the love of the person making it, which means, as Pokemon says, Friendship and Love allows you to win everything.