Pokemon Vs. Digimon: Worlds Collide!

Ah finally, I can post something. This here is my game idea! A crossover LOOOOOONG overdue!
The plot involves a new evil Digimon merging the Digital World with the world of Pokemon, and uses a mysterious energy mix of whatever makes Shadow Pokemon with the virus from the Digimon Tri movies to take control of many Legendary Pokemon!
The Porygon line would be... interesting to see. They're made of code, like Digimon, but are Pokemon: a sort of Digi-Pokemon.
However, I would love to see how Arceus and King Drasil would interact with each other. Seeing all of the Legendary and Mythical Pokemon (minus Arceus) fighting against Digimon groups like the Royal Knights, Olympos XII, and the Three Archangels would be insane.
The best part about this is that Bandai Namco owns Digimon, and with their strong relation with Nintendo, this could be a possibility, if not a reality!
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Oh, never thought of that! Plus the Pokemon characters could experience the differences between evolution and Digivolution!
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It would be interesting if they include Mega Evolution, or at least reference it. A Pokemon trainer could look at Greymon Digivolve into MetalGreymon and De-Digivolve back and be like, "That weird-looking Charizard Mega Evolved without a Mega Stone or Trainer!?"
Cue a Digimon Tamer going, "What's Mega Evolution? Greymon only Digivolved and De-Digivolved."
Then they explain stuff to each other and both have their minds blown.
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Oh that is brilliant!