Do you enjoy catching Pokemon?

I do. Which is why it's surprising to me that, despite being the most iconic franchise in the monster collecting genre, that aspect of the games is not as good as it could be.
The 2 main components of Pokemon collecting whose improvement I'll discuss here are: tracking progress and displaying your collection.
let's be honest, the pokedex is frustrating to work with. If you want to catch 'em all you need tools to reference what you do and don't have, what can be found where, etc. Ideally, you wouldn't need to use fanmade websites or YT vids at all, but this is FAR from being the case. They were really onto something with the DexNav in ORAS. Being able to see at a glance whether you have caught everything there is to catch in an area not only helps track and expedite progress but also makes the experience more engaging and rewarding.
Now, surely at this point Gamefreak is aware of the concept of a living dex. The living dex is how we display our trophy, our collection. It is puzzling that to this day organizing your pokemon into a living dex is still such a nightmarish experience. Pokemon Home tries, but falls a couple steps short, and the mainline games don't bother trying in this department at all. There needs to be a better way.
Of course, there are many other ways that catching pokemon can be made more fun and rewarding, so feel free to comment any suggestions that come to mind.