Favourite Pokéball based on design

What’s your favourite pokéball, not to do with proficiency, just the design?
Always loved the Friend Ball myself. Quick Ball is at a close second, cause I love the ikea ball.
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ooh, I think the Moon Ball is the coolest in my opinion.
Does anyone have those Megablox Pokémon sets? The mini figures all come in replica Pokeballs and I think it’s cool that my Totodile mini figure actually came in a little Lure ball.
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Beast Ball has been my favorite ever since its introduction! I don't like how rare it is ever since USUM. At least I can still transfer Pokémon from those games but there are plenty of newer Pokémon I want to catch in a Beast Ball but it's so hard to find them anymore.
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I really like the colours of the quick ball. The fact that it is a very useful ball is icing on the cake.
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I think the design of the ultra ball is pretty cool.
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Probably the friend ball. I feel like most of the apricorn balls have better designs than the regular ones, but I can't tell how much their rarity is effecting my opinion of them. My favorite regular ball would probably be the repeat ball.