What Pokemon Should Get Nerfed and Which Should Get Buffed?
I want to know what everyone thinks about this. I personally think Buzzwole should get a nerf and Eldegoss should get a buff.
Beedrill for sure needs a buff, or have megas be brought back.
This post didn't really specify if it's talking about Unite only, but I don't play Unite.
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There should be a game/battle mode where every single Pokemon has their stats scaled so their BST is ~600 (only approximately because when you do round(600/original BST)*stat, you can accumulate enough rounding errors to end up between 598 and 602, with Megas and other stat-increasing Forme changes scaled to (600+increase from original forme).
This should except Regigigas and Slaking (as this would nerf them), and Shedinja (as this utterly breaks it, because of the 1 HP BST - it would either have to be not altered at all, or scaled with a special formula, (perhaps treating it as if its HP BST was the same as Ninjask's when calculating 600/BST)
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Talonflame (Gale Wings). Make it so that flying type moves gain priority when HP is above 50%.
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Which Mew2? If it’s Y then probably not, because it has extremely long range and good stats. But X lacks the range that Y has.