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Pokémon TCG Live Expanded to France, Italy, & German + Maintenance Update

TPCi_CursedSoup Administrator Posts: 287 admin
250 Likes 100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Agrees

Attention Trainers!

As of this week, we're happy to announce that players in France, Italy, and Germany can now access the Pokémon TCG Live limited beta.

New players from these regions can download the game to their mobile devices from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Trainers we're welcoming to the limited beta can download the game to their desktop from the links below:

France - https://tcg.pokemon.com/fr-fr/tcgl/

Italy - https://tcg.pokemon.com/it-it/tcgl/

Germany - https://tcg.pokemon.com/de-de/tcgl/

In addition to these new regions being unlocked during this week's maintenance, the following card received a fix and is now working as intended:

  • Fantina (LOR #157)



  • Captain_Arte
    Captain_Arte Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    So, the application on PC crash during EVERY game, the deck making interface is unreadable, i can't see the opponent avatar during the game.

    Why did you put out things that was good in pokemon JCC online ?

    You opened the application to the Europe but didn't you see theses problems when you beta tested for Canada?

  • GadgetBadger
    GadgetBadger Member Posts: 43 ✭✭
    10 Comments First Anniversary 5 Likes Name Dropper

    First time? Lol…

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,871 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @Captain_Arte Reinstall the app. Other than the deck editor interface, those are not common issues.

  • Monsieur-Master
    Monsieur-Master Member Posts: 15
    10 Comments 5 Agrees

    Any idea of when you gonna expand the app to Brazil? And update after update the same problem of not showing some cards when the opponent pick them up from deck remains. 😔

  • WoodBridge16
    WoodBridge16 Member Posts: 6
    First Anniversary First Comment

    keep up the good work devs.

  • 00_MWDC_00
    00_MWDC_00 Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    Any news on when the UK will be getting a beta release? I imagine that our player base can’t be much different to Germany and France

  • DarkTrainerBear
    DarkTrainerBear Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    What the heck is going on with the match making system on Live. Im sure Im not the only person in the world who doesnt have 15-30 mins to wait for a match. This whole app is a nightmare from start to finish. Work needs to be hastened and perfected much more quickly.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,871 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @DarkTrainerBear It's a bug that's been around since launch. They don't know how to fix it and refuse to hire an experienced person to figure it out. They can mitigate it with maintenance every few days, but refuse to do enough of that too.

  • Betrayze
    Betrayze Member Posts: 83 ✭✭
    25 Agrees 10 Comments First Anniversary First Answer
    edited September 2022 #10

    Still no US and/or UK which is crazy. Oh for the matching bug just reset game and it fixes it at least for a couple of games usually.

  • GadgetBadger
    GadgetBadger Member Posts: 43 ✭✭
    10 Comments First Anniversary 5 Likes Name Dropper

    They’re expanding slowly to make sure their servers can handle incremental traffic. Opening to US/UK would be a huge influx of traffic. Also, exposing the US to this version of the game would be disastrous given the state of the game at the moment. I’m sure they will do US last.