Feedback & Bug reports: Add a function to mute players and graphical errors.

Some players would start using over and over again the reactions, potentially as a way to distract their opponents. Allowing users to be able to mute the opponent/disable the reactions would be a nice user experience improvement. The user in the screenshot kept using the "Thumbs down" reaction throughout the entire game, from start to finish.
As for graphical errors: The Fire and Dragon attack animations display incorrectly, as the Fire animation shows a violet square instead of the flames if any and the Dragon animation shows up very large in size if any.
The whole "spam a single emote throughout the entire game" thing (which is in large part due to your opponent getting salty towards your deck) isn't new to Live, Online had this same issue as well.
But unlike Live and its apparent lack of a mute button, Online had one and it worked pretty well. You could still be paired with that player but they wouldn't be able to spam emotes at you.
So I second the need for a mute button since it's baffling to see that Live didn't get one when the app was released.