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The Development Team is too slow

Baggetto Member Posts: 97 ✭✭✭
Second Anniversary Name Dropper 5 LOLs First Answer

I’m probably just stating the obvious, but it’s clear that the development team is just too slow. I’m not a developer myself or I have to be to notice that. We got one major update all summer, the game is on life support since the first week and yet there is still so much to do and so little is being done too slowly.

At this rate the project will be scrapped. I hope whoever is managing the game knows it.



  • jon11w
    jon11w Member Posts: 165 ✭✭✭
    100 Agrees First Anniversary 100 Comments 5 LOLs

    To be fair, they fixed a couple of bugged Lost Origin cards within a day, which feels like an improvement.

    The game isn't feeling too buggy currently, which is progress. Let's just hope that matchmaking continues to work and that new features and improvements can be focussed on as the game becomes more stable.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
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    @jon11w He made this thread because he's hoping it'll be cancelled and they'll keep PTCGO. He's offered 0 constructive criticism here and just trolls. This thread isn't a warning; it's a plea. He's hoping management will read it and consider scrapping it.

  • Francko1091
    Francko1091 Member Posts: 15
    10 Comments First Anniversary Photogenic

    The only issue I have with live is that sometimes it doesn't let me log in and the matchmaking time

  • Baggetto
    Baggetto Member Posts: 97 ✭✭✭
    Second Anniversary Name Dropper 5 LOLs First Answer

    @jon11w I get that, but that is really the bare minimum for a game in development. Is the bar really that low?

    In the greater scheme of things so little has been done. The game still looks the same even tough that has been it’s greater criticism. Matchmaking still breaks every week. Older cards haven’t been implemented yet. There is no “batch download” so the cards always look low resolution at first. No alternative game mode other than standard/expanded. Still region blocked. Avatars still exist for some reason. The settings menu is bare bone.

    And that is just the first few things that come to mind. Progress is too little too slow.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
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    Progress is slow, but the hyperbole in the OP is uncalled for. You also seemingly expected the entire project to be completely overhauled from the ground up by now, with a full launch and features that weren't even originally promised. That's asking a bit much. 6 months to fix all of the bugs, add all of the previous cards, completely overhaul the interface, and add a bunch of new features... I don't think I've heard of any project pulling that off.

  • Baggetto
    Baggetto Member Posts: 97 ✭✭✭
    Second Anniversary Name Dropper 5 LOLs First Answer

    @TechHog Big studios do a lot more all the time. The Pokemon Company has big studio money, so they could pull that off.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
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    edited September 2022 #8

    They could pull some of that off. All of it though? No, that's ridiculous. Give an example.

    By your logic, Retro Studios should be shut down because it should take months to reboot a game, not years.

  • WoodBridge16
    WoodBridge16 Member Posts: 6
    First Comment First Anniversary

    i disagree, i see steady progress. The game is still in beta and they're sticking to it.

  • Baggetto
    Baggetto Member Posts: 97 ✭✭✭
    Second Anniversary Name Dropper 5 LOLs First Answer

    The last meaningful update was more than a month ago. This is ridiculous for a game in beta with so many issues.

    If you took all the updates we got since launch and dropped them in the course of two months that would’ve been proper development.


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
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    You still haven't provided any examples...