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What was your first wild, non Story related, Shiny Pokémon?



  • G_Slowking
    G_Slowking Member Posts: 2
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    My first shiny encounter was a shiny wooper in pokemon diamond. I didn't know shiny pokemon were a thing at the time. I caught it of couse, because I thought "cool, a pink wooper!". Anyway, shortly after my DS's battery died and I forgot to save after catching it. Later that week I told one of my friends about this pink wooper I found and he didn't believe there was such a thing, and I couldn't prove him wrong because I didn't have it anymore.

  • MarchOfTheClams
    MarchOfTheClams Member Posts: 12
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    Doduo in the FireRed Safari Zone, which I luckily was able to catch. I was with my cousin at the time and he explained what it was; I can't remember if I had even heard of shinies before then.

  • Simbinana
    Simbinana Member Posts: 1
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    Pokemon Gold back in 2000. A shiny Caterpie in the grass just north of Cherrygrove City. It was before I could buy Pokeballs. I was so salty! 😆

  • Pizzamaster8910
    Pizzamaster8910 Member Posts: 15
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    Shiny Aipom, Legends Arceus

  • spectralArtist
    spectralArtist Member Posts: 3
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    My first shiny was a shiny zubat in Soul Silver when I was a kid. Unfortunately I lost it when I deleted my save before I could trade it to someone for safe keeping

  • PineTwist
    PineTwist Member Posts: 14
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    An eevee! I randomly hatched him and named him Shadow and evolved him into an umbreon, I was a kid and instantly fell in love with shiny hunting

  • Sev_Henry
    Sev_Henry Member Posts: 2
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    My first ever shiny was in Gold version when I was just a kid. I was using Totodile as my starter, and had made it to the Goldenrod Bug Catching contest. During said contest I encountered a shiny Beedrill! I tried and tried to capture it, but it eventually KO'd my Totodile, and was lost forever.


    TURTLEEEEEE Member Posts: 502 ✭✭✭
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    My first Shiny was a Gible that I found in Area Zero in Violet. I had never encountered a Shiny before, since this was my first time playing the Pokemon games. Luckily, I already knew what Shiny Gible looked like (I'm a Shiny nerd BTW), and caught it immidiately. I turned it into an Lv. 100 Garchomp named Chomp. Later, I returned to Area Zero and found a Shiny Garganacl.

  • skeIedirge
    skeIedirge Member Posts: 4
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    my first shiny was a zoroark in pokemon Y! i found him in the pokemon village. i didn't name him but i still have him on my old ultra sun game and i want to transfer him up to gen 9 someday

  • Mindacos
    Mindacos Member Posts: 3
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    The first shiny I vividly remember was a wild audino in pokemon black. Pretty bummed out that I no longer have the cartridge for it, though.

    I'll never forget how you swept both Burgh and Elesa.