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Is Kalos actually anti-Unova?

I have a friend who insists that Kalos steals from Unova on the regular. Merchandise, appearances in media or posters. He says that "Kalos is winning," and will one day erase Unova from existence due to the "bad fans" who really dislike Unova. How do I put this to rest for once and all? He's been stressing over this SO much to the point where he doesn't want to be a fan anymore.

Best Answers

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    #2 Answer ✓

    I don't understand what point your friend is trying to make. Are they saying Kalos steals attention from Unova? And the "bad fans" who don't like Unova are responsible?

    Whatever they believe, if it is causing them stress, maybe stepping away from the franchise for a while is a good idea.

  • Ravenclawed1234
    Ravenclawed1234 Member Posts: 865 ✭✭✭✭
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    #3 Answer ✓

    B/W was a great generation, the only thing Kalos does better is Pokémon designs, and even then, unova has a G-Max

  • D-ManBlue
    D-ManBlue Member Posts: 383 ✭✭✭
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    #4 Answer ✓

    No, Unova will not be erased from existence. That's now how this works. Game Freak may not spread the attention equally, but every region is remembered.

    Honestly, the one way I could maybe think of your friend being in the right is ideologically, where Game Freak tried to remedy what didn't work with Gen V when they made the Gen VI games. But once the next gen comes around, that's completely disregarded.


  • puplover1118
    puplover1118 Member Posts: 531 ✭✭✭
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    I think the main thing is that the Kalos arc of the anime is considered one of the best while the Unova arc is considered one of the worst. Since most Pokemon fans simply watch the anime, that's probably where this comes from.

    In terms of the games, Black and White, and especially their sequels, are held to a higher regard when compared to X and Y, so I doubt Unova will disappear. And for the people who are afraid of a Gen 5 remake or sequel, it's mainly because of how botched Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are.

  • Elberta
    Elberta Member Posts: 91 ✭✭
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    I feel like Kalos isn't anti-Unova, they're separate regions, its just unlucky that Unova came before Kalos and Kalos had so much love from fans and introduced probably the most fan-beloved game mechanics, Mega Evolution. Still, Kalos was given more love than Unova in the anime prospect because everybody thinks that Unova's anime is horrible, while Kalos's anime was beloved by a lot of people due to the appearance of Ash-Greninja, while Unova had an Iris that's really annoying, making Pikachu lose to a Level 5 Snivy due to short-circuit. A lot of people think that Unova's Pokemon is basically a copy and paste of Kanto set in a different region, while Kalos' Pokemon is more unique. I feel like for the merchandise aspect, Kalos had more love because of the reasons stated above, Mega Evolution of some of previously beloved Pokemons and because of the hype Ash-Greninja got from the anime. I don't really think that Unova will ever truly disappear because it was the time where many people claim the Pokemon company tried to 'reset' all of the Pokemon and start anew, plus there are some popular Pokemon in 5th gen as well, like the Zorua line, and Volcarona.

  • scotty774
    scotty774 Member Posts: 21
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    It may just be my age and increasing disengagement with the fandom, but I have yet to have heard of Kalos ever coming close to surpassing Unova in terms of fandom enjoyment. While Kalos is now respected a lot more than it was ~2016/2017, it nonetheless experiences far less respect in the fandom than do Gens 4 and 5.

    That aside, it's hard to even imagine a world where Kalos surpasses Unova in terms of merchandising. First, Kalos' measly Pokedex count of 72 pales in comparison to Unova's 156, which is over double that of Kalos'. Second, Kalos' Pokemon, from memory, weren't all that memorable to begin with. Besides the starters, the only merchandisable Pokemon that come to mind are Dedenne (which isn't very well liked if memory is to be trusted), Bunnelby (which seems to be a very forgettable Pokemon by many's standards), and Spewpa. The only significant Pokemon that I'd take note of from Gen 6 is Sylveon, which I would guess is almost certainly a very popular merchandising Pokemon for the franchise. With that being said, its status as an Eeveelution almost tempts me to disregard it as contributing to the Kalos problem that your friend perceives, as much of its popularity comes from its connection with Eevee, an extremely popular Gen 1 Pokemon.

  • puplover1118
    puplover1118 Member Posts: 531 ✭✭✭
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    I think the main thing is that the Kalos arc of the anime is considered one of the best while the Unova arc is considered one of the worst. Since most Pokemon fans simply watch the anime, that's probably where this comes from.

    In terms of the games, Black and White, and especially their sequels, are held to a higher regard when compared to X and Y, so I doubt Unova will disappear. And for the people who are afraid of a Gen 5 remake or sequel, it's mainly because of how botched Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are.