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Does eevee deserve a new evolution? If so what type(s)?



  • puplover1118
    puplover1118 Member Posts: 521 ✭✭✭
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    @werenanook A ghost type eeveelution doesn't mean that eevee died. As I had previously stated, this eeveelution can be spiritual in nature, all while not

  • KattRedd
    KattRedd Member Posts: 6
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    I absolutely want to see a ghost type eeveelution. They would be arguably the coolest design and a good match to go with Espeon and Umbreon on a team.

  • BlackDragonite7
    BlackDragonite7 Member Posts: 12
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    I'd live to see a Dragon type Eevee, based off a Japanese dragon.

  • TotallyAGhost
    TotallyAGhost Member Posts: 2
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    Dragon, Ghost and Flying are my top 3 picks. I think dragon has the potential to look incredible.

  • SailFeel87
    SailFeel87 Member Posts: 7
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    I would love to see a dragon type Eeveelution where its like a fluffy dragon flying around that wound be pretty cool. Pokémon company should take notes on some of these ideas!

  • SailFeel87
    SailFeel87 Member Posts: 7
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    I would love to see a dragon type Eeveelution where its like a fluffy dragon flying around that wound be pretty cool. Pokémon company should take notes on some of these ideas!

  • Zentlyar
    Zentlyar Member Posts: 2
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    flying type eevee

  • SailFeel87
    SailFeel87 Member Posts: 7
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    I would love to see a dragon type Eeveelution where its like a fluffy dragon flying around that wound be pretty cool. Pokémon company should take notes on some of these ideas!

  • Bolt_Boy25
    Bolt_Boy25 Member Posts: 137 ✭✭✭
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    I don't know if it is the one I hope for the most? But a paradadox evee that is steel type is a design I came up with any name suggestions? I originally had iron vee veeon because Penny calls her eveeloutions ,vee vees, but it sounds kinda bland.

  • Alex_Vaporeon
    Alex_Vaporeon Member Posts: 130 ✭✭✭
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    I would really like a Flying evo, and Dragon would be nice too... I'd like to see what Steel or Poison looks like